About myself:

My step into the world of photo designing began towards the end of the seventies by shooting for Travel catalogues. During this period, I also did jobs for Construction companies and Architectural firms which I had delivered as finished products, not to forget the inclusion of vacational and hotel layouts.

At the beginning of the eighties, I focused the prime capability of my profession in the field of film and television industry. Right on time to obtain lots of contracts at a period when the field of private TV-industry had just taken flight, and through which I gathered some good experiences.

Apart from working for the private TV stations and production companies, I covered contracts from Media Agents, Newspapers, Home stories, PR-Sybol photos, Image photos, Magazine titles and Cover photos which included many overseas releases.

Zulus in South-Africa

During the mid nineties, I continued my search for more challenges which eventually led me to being a co-founder and director of a PR-agency. After almost two years of successful engagements, I left the company simply because I yearned for the development and devotion to the photographic and journalistic capability which I represent.

Since then I offer my services alongside the Film and TV business to a very wide range of media companies including Illustrated books and Mags, Newspapers, Publishers and Agencies.

Galuschka Communications Cologne also offers productions of complete comprehensive stories which includes the collaboration of other journalists.

My several years of experience in the Multi-Media field finds me pretty often being designated to organise Models and young act/ors/ress to do jobs for media companies in urgent need.


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